It is the period of "Shakti ki upasna" (worship of energy) as this is the transition phase. One weather / season to another. Body goes a little weak. Precisely this is the reason why one should eat light😊. So there was a provision of fasting to keep the body healthy during this phase of transition. But fasting has taken a misguided route of feasting...🙈 Eating light is the . . . .
Today I am so very thankful to one of my
long distance clients while working with whom I realized to the fact that I was
allowing a big chunk of my energy dissipating for a silly reason. Also thankful
to the person who was the major sucker and appeared in the whole saga as the
protector. On confronting the sucker showed the true colors. Thank God after a
few hours of being startled I c. . . .
Yes...Alvira is bored of the mundane life and being blamed for all the wrongs around her. She has decided to take a break from being nice and kind to others. Time to give time and attention to herself.
Now she has started to look at options to kindle her joy element. High time...lookielookie inwards and towards herself to garner happiness for herself instead of looking outside.
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The moment the phrase Karma Management is uttered, the idea of "struggle" automatically creeps in. Why ? Probably whenever something needs to be managed, either it's a crisis or a situation which can turn into crisis. Thus, it begins with a critical situation or atleast an idea of it. what is the solution? Is it better to live the Karma or manage it? Well, to each his/her own.
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Hi...just wondering how a couple who have
just started their journey gets absorbed in the Group consciousness of 'how to
put their spouse down". One verbal volley after the other...hitting like a
seasoned hunter (read a long time husband/wife) proves how the primitive
thought processes/hidden genetic coding or else just the need of
"conforming to the societal norms" that wives are the puni. . . .