Consistency, one of the secrets of transformation
Consistency is important for making a progress, doing better work, getting in shape, and achieving some level of success in most areas of life. Consistency of performance is the key to success of any organisation. Employees feel secure about their work responsibilities and workplace demands when there is consistency in performance. Without a consistent work environment, one will continuously have second-guesses before making a move or taking any action. A large part of success is putting in the time each and every day.
Consistency leads to habits and can be the key to success. Habits form the actions we take every day. Consistency develops routines and builds momentum and is especially important in business. In business one of the classic findings is that you derive a lot of value from consistency. So a brand that is consistent across time attracts value because people are used to seeing certain images over and over and over again.
Inconsistency in relationships really keeps it from moving forward. When the one you love sends you mixed messages with their inconsistency, such as their thoughts, emotions, and behaviour, you never really know where you stand. If one fact or idea is consistent with another, they do not contradict each other. From a brand reputation point of view, a lack of consistency means customers are left feeling confused and frustrated. Usually a lack of consistency is down to a lack of joined up thinking. Someone who is consistent always behaves in the same way, has the same attitudes towards people or things, or achieves the same level of success in something.
Part of courage is simple consistency.